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Image by Kayla Maurais

the modified cross

Image by Soulful Stock

problems & solutions

Image by Jen Theodore

three card classic


this simple but effective reading is my take on the celtic cross. it eliminates card positions that tend to muddle up the message, and focuses more on the essentials (like where your head's at, what's in your way, and what experience of the past can help through it)


[ 6+ cards ]


this combined oracle and tarot reading highlights three problem areas* of your life, suggests a solution to each problem, and then offers advice regarding each obstacle. 


* this reading chooses which problems to highlight and cannot be customized


[ 9 cards ]


the three card spread is a tarot staple! its ability to be infinitely flexible means you can ask it almost anything. the most common use of the three card spread is past/present/future. for a list of options and inspiration, click here.


[ 3 cards ]

services: Services

more services available soon!

i will be officially adding new readings to this list soon, but i still offer a huge variety of services. so if you don't see what you are looking for, just reach out through the chat, contact form, booking form, or email and we can find the spread that suits your situation. 

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